Industrial Cooperation

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

– Charles Darwin

Br Meccanica Italia, has 45 years of experience and history in customer management, in addition to a strong production capacity and industrial flexibility consisting of 51 CNC machines, among other advantages.

As a company we believe in business collaboration as a strategic option for productive growth to overcome production constraints, languages and operational constraints.
Today’s operational transformations and local production have become global, and today an industrial plant in any city in Italy, Spain, France and Europe faces production challenges with other countries on an intercontinental level.

If we add to these changes the low logistical cost in relation to the volume of a Europallet (anywhere in Europe in 48 hours) we see the opportunities that open up before us at European level.
The challenges of globalization and industrial relocation, commit us to continue to advance in Industry 4.0 and constantly improve digitization, as well as creating positive synergies of action and production.

In this global framework, learning from the evolution of the sector and responding to the needs of customers who want a partner that offers all services related to metalworking and machining, we try to create synergies of work and cooperation.
Through collaboration, we can offer a broader operational dimension and necessary to access projects on the foreign market.

Our company has a European sales office with extensive international experience and an office in Madrid, Spain.

Our vision: to improve competitiveness by offering more services in the same operating group, for companies that offer large and medium sized projects at European and international level.

Advantages of business collaboration


Sharing resources and operational capabilities


Mutual learning and improvement of the competitive position


Easy access to new markets


Optimization of investments and improvement of production processes


To create the basis for the expansion of the cooperating companies


Joint participation in trade fairs, reducing costs by 50%


Joint preparation of company dossiers, reducing costs